Mystery Of
NEWS 2022

I would like to wish everyone who visits my website a much happier and more loving year ahead, and many great accomplished achievements.
06.03.2022         LINK TO PHOTO

It was a good feeling to be back in the ring after such a long break. The show was good, Maltese were the second breed on the judge's list, so there was not a stretched-out wait as happens many times. I am very happy with the results of my girls. Camelia was awarded Exl. 1, Class Winner, and Winner of Lysa nad Labem by judge Linda Voralikova. Amazon was awarded Exl. 1 and Class Winner. Both have very good evaluation reports. Lysa nad Labem is a very good location for dog shows. The venue is not too far from Prague, easily accessible by train, and most importantly, it is an indoor event. The only problem is, that the train station at Lysa nad Labem has no elevator or escalator, but only has many stairs. Other than that, it was a very nice and enjoyable day.
08.05.2022        LINK TO PHOTO

Good show today. Nice sunny day except for the late afternoon, when it started raining and the weather turned cold. Catering services at the Mlada Boleslav sports field have not improved. There is only one stand to serve the public with one person serving. The queue is endless and service extremely slow. Coffee is undrinkable and fast food is uneatable. The coffee and dring vending machines at the train station are constantly out of service, so best to bring everything from home.
I just had Amazon Jewel with me and we had a great judge, who gave us a good evaluation and awarded excellent results such as Excl.1, Class winner, Regional show winner, and winner of Mlada Boleslav. I felt that Václava Rybářová could have given Amazon a little bit more time to present herself in motion, but that was not for me to decide. Anyhow, I am extremely happy with the great results
30.07.2022    LINK TO PHOTOS

This was one of the days when everything goes wrong from the word start.  Very rainy morning, The dog´s seemed impossible to groom, the event was held in a small and difficult to access building. But all went sort of OK. Judge Zuzana Brotánková awarded us with Excl.1 and Excl.  Unfortunatelly, this  judge did not see Arabian Knight in movement, only on the table
05.08.2022    LINK TO PHOTOS

Extremely hot day and almost unberable under the tin roof of the expo halls. Nevertheless Amazon Jewel was judged by Gyula Sarközy who gave us a nice evaluation and awarded her with Excl.1 and CAC.
06.08.2022    LINK TO PHOTOS

Fortunatelly the weather was just perfect today. The show went very well. Amazon jewel was awarded Excl.1 ad CAC by judge Antonín Mudra, although he was more interested in seeing the dog standing on the ground than viewing her in movement, we received what we needed
07.08.2022    LINK TO PHOTOS

Great close to the Prague trio CACIB dog show this year. Once again Amazon was awarded with a great evaluation and Excl1 - CAC by a very good judge by the name of Julia Dodeck

We have new puppies.  Please visit our Puppies page for more information regarding litter "B"
21.08.2022    LINK TO PHOTOS

Excellent weather for today´s event. Overcast but not raining or windy at all. I had two dogs, so I had no time to speak to anyone at all. Amazon was awarded with Excl.1 and Arabian Knight with VG by as yet an unknown judge to me Grzegorz Robak. He seemed very young and evaluated Amazons coat at the top-knot section as short, and Arabian Knight´s ears as placed too high on the head. I guess he had to find something wrong. No matter, the dogs did get some excercise and Amazon finally gor her Czech Champion certificate. Our next show is very close to home, so I am looking forward to that very much. In the meantime I will be spending my time with my lovely puppies.
Very sadly, I only learned on Wednesday, that the appointed judge for Maltese was Olga Dolejsova. Not to mention, that I had to call the organizer because the regional show judges were not listed in their propositions. My email to the organizers regarding the publication of the timing went unanswered. Had I known in advance that the judge would be Olga Dolejsova, I would not have enrolled my dogs, and I could have saved a lot of money, which would come in handy for another future show. Olga Dolejsova does not like my dogs. Olga Dolejsova prefers the dogs of her friends and of handlers that are well known to her. Olga Dolejsova had a problem with my dogs from the time they were still puppies. So I ask, how is it possible that my dogs achieved championships under other judges? Needless to say, I did not start the day in a good mood at all.

Due to a sudden illness, I was not able to attend the show in Dzban. I hope that I will be strong enough for the upcoming one in Ceske Budejovice on the 9th of October.


Unfortunately a very disappointing day all in all. Due to tram track closures that were not announced adaquetly on transport search servers, I did not make it in time for my train to Cesky Budejovice, and I had to turn and go back home. The next train would already have been too late for me to make it to the showground and prepare Amazon adequetly for the ring. This just goes to show how idiotic the department of transport is, and how absolutely thrilled they are when they can cause difficulties for other living human beings.
19.11.2022          LINK TO PHOTOS

I was so looking forward to this club show. Murphy´s law, it was freezing, and although the event was not too farmfrom where I live, to actually get there by public transport is a tragedy. There was a nice atmosphere, however,the judge was behind his schedule by more than two hours. Amazon was awarded Ext.2 by this judge by the name of Milivoje Urošević. I agree that Amazon´s coat is not in the best condition, but it is the way it is. No effort on my part as well as advice of professionals has brought better results. What I absolutely do not agree with, is his remark stating that Amazon´s top back is higher than her front back. Amazon is a junior Czech champion, junior club champion, club champion as well as a Czech champion, regional show winner, and so forth. If this was true, there is no way she could have received all these titles as surely, all the judges that judged her previously would have also seen the defect. As far as I am concerned, Milivoje Urošević has discredited all the judges that happened to judge Amazon before him. I do not care how many titles he has, or how many books he´s written. This man is dead wrong on this point !!! So, we shall see what the next show in Brno will bring although I do not expect much at all.
News 2019
04.12.2022         LINK TO PHOTOS

So, the last show for the year 2022 is now over. Everything went quite well and it was nice to see people which I have not seen for a long time once again. Unfortunately, Amazon was not awarded a CAC this time. I expected this however, as her coat is not in a very good condition, but she received an excellent evaluation overall. Judge Zdenka Jilkova judged her for a VG3. It was my own fault because I ruined Amazon´s coat the morning of the show.

This is my time to wish everyone a very happy and joyous festive season.
It is my wish, that people finally open their eyes, their minds and their hearts in order to acknowledge the truth that truly is, so that our race can continue to live in love and harmony with mother earth and the universe.
News 2021
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